Rambling In The Puna2

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Finding The Lost Lamb!

After my diatribe about the journal when last I wrote, I have to report that I left it on the airplane from Dallas to Buenos Aires. I cannot describe the feeling of loss and sickness to have a nearly finished journal disappear. I first tore up my hotel room and then realized that I must have left it on the plane. I have lost four and, in one strange case, burned one up. The others did not have nearly the same effect on me. I do not know exactly why. What a bummer!

I was pretty sure that I had left it one the plane to BA but had a doubt and then yesterday morning a broken English e-mail came from an employee of American Airlines who told me that she had found it and my address was in the front. She said that she thought it would be important and wrote me to find me and deliver it to me. I cannot describe the joy, sense of relief and appreciation that I had for this kind and thoughtless act. What a restoration of my faith in humanity this was. I don’t have it yet but should have it on Thursday.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Mrs. Hass-Bark said...


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Megan Bower said...

Yay!... I guess...
It really is a relief, even if it's the fifty-something one you've written.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Silly Teacher said...

I went through the same despair of losing a journal and the sweet relief and thankfulness of finding it...twice. Once on Isla Mujeres in Mexico-I only lost it for a half hour in a shop. When I retraced my steps, there was my journal on top of a pile of blankets. The other time was more traumatic. I lost it in a restaurant on an island in Malaysia and realized it was gone in the middle of the night. I didn't sleep all night and in the morning I rushed to the restaurant where the owner had saved it under the counter. Whew! Long story but I completely understand!

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Silly Teacher said...

I went through the same despair of losing a journal and the sweet relief and thankfulness of finding it...twice. Once on Isla Mujeres in Mexico-I only lost it for a half hour in a shop. When I retraced my steps, there was my journal on top of a pile of blankets. The other time was more traumatic. I lost it in a restaurant on an island in Malaysia and realized it was gone in the middle of the night. I didn't sleep all night and in the morning I rushed to the restaurant where the owner had saved it under the counter. Whew! Long story but I completely understand!


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