Rambling In The Puna2

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Too Much Information!

For the past 35 years I have kept a journal. I have missed a few days and for one brief stint a few critical months while I was courting my wife. Other things took precedence. I admit that it smacks of an obsessive compulsive thing… While sitting in a doctor’s office lobby, I had a bit of free time the other day and got to mulling this over. I had a look at the journal I am currently working on, volume 45. I have not used the same format and this one falls among the smaller format journals I have used. So, I made an estimate of the word count of this little book. I estimated 250 words/ page and 230 pages because I have traditionally stuck photographs in my journals therefore I have filled 10-12 pages with photos. Simple math results that, I have written ~57,500 words in this smaller journal. One larger journal I estimate at 130,000 words. (I did not count that old concept that 1 picture equals 1000 words so could have inflated this if I had desired.) Hence, I surmise conservatively that I have written just under 3 million words and could write another 20 – 25 volumes before I croak. What a nightmare for anyone who should get the urge to prowl through these tomes… I considered that I might start writing on more throw away types of books but I actually use these things. Maybe when I am really old, I should plan a big bonfire for all of the crap I have produced, journals, paintings…


At 11:23 AM, Blogger Mrs. Hass-Bark said...

But it will be so entertaining to read them. Think of all the things we can learn about you when you're gone!

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Megan Bower said...

That is Disgusting! And yet I'm also interested in reading them after you keel over.



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