Rambling In The Puna2

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Grisly Dreamscape

This is a blog I posted about this whole dream thing back on the 22nd of July 2006:

I had a strange and disturbing dream the other night that just begs an interpretation I think.

I dreamed that I had a big house in a very lush and verdant place and that because of the abundance I had a herd of cattle in the yard and many Holstein calves. I also had a big swimming pool that kind of ran along the side of the house and bent around the edge of the house to the deep end of the pool. dreams

I was walking in the yard and saw a little black calf that went through the gate and down to the water, where she promptly fell in. I hustled down to rescue her and bent down and grabbed her hind foot and pulled her to safety. After I pulled her out, she shook, coughed a bit and trundled up the steps and out the gate into the yard.

Then I stood up and looked around and to my shock, as I looked into the deep end, it was full of drowned calves. The water was murky with their excrement from their death throes. I could see the nearest ones and the deeper the pool the harder they were to see but there were upwards of 20 dead calves. They were all in the same posture, noses down one hind hoof higher than the other and at different levels in watery space; a kind of macabre, murky mobile.

I began to dash about attempting to find the valve to let out the water. When I found it, I woke from my dream.



At 4:36 PM, Blogger The Big Tortilla said...

That is really disturbing. You should get some of these analyzed.


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