Rambling In The Puna2

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dante Missed One

In his Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri described himself along with the pope and other notable figures of history in the various circles of Hell as he viewed them. Of late, I have begun to think that Dante failed to identify a certain element, indeed an entire circle of Hell reserved for victims of air travel. Since early May I have been on around 50 flights. Now, there are the pilots and stewardesses whose job it is to shuttle us around but the rest of us are the mere victims in my way of looking at this. Standing in lines awaiting the scrutiny of the horned TSA minions with their snarling, gnashing teeth and switching their forked tails, moving us along, poking and prodding us through scanning machines wanding and frisking us, pitchforks at the ready. On the other end we get scrutinized by hostile immigration and customs agents whose job it is to decide which will be our next level of Hell...I take a certain perverse satisfaction in recognizing that Dante missed one!


At 6:29 AM, Blogger Mrs. Hass-Bark said...

Yes, he definitely missed that one...


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